Monday, October 7, 2013

Artist Statement

Allie McKinney
Dorian Brandt
Section F
Artist Statement: Light Humor

For this blog, we decided to mix the various light elements including natural light and artificial light with what we thought was humorous. We walked around campus at various times of the day and either took candid or staged photographs. We were together for every photo, which helped in the artistic process because it allowed us to receive two different opinions on what we thought was humorous. We wanted to incorporate light with our design elements because it shows different textures and shadows that the viewer would have otherwise not seen. At the same time we wanted to incorporate humor because its a feeling that everyone can relate to. 
We chose the five images that we did because they each had a different sense of humor. This way everyone can find humor in at least one of our images. Four of our photos were candid and one of them was staged. Our four candid images were all photos that we caught in the act. Whether we were walking by something humorous or taking funny snap chats of a friend, they were all caught spontaneously. We planned the staged image as we were walking because the object in the photo caught our attention, we did not plan it ahead of time. 
When we first chose this theme we thought it would be fun to catch humorous acts, but this theme allowed us to expand our view point on campus. We saw people and acts that we would have otherwise not noticed, which gave us a better understanding of what goes on throughout the campus. This blog even opened our eyes to the photos we take on a daily basis and the attention to detail that appears in a photo. This project inspired us because we even discovered what we though was humorous in a photo. 

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